It all started with a swipe. Aaron and Rachel first connected on a Jewish Dating site called Jswipe in the fall of 2018. The two immediately hit it off, except there was one problem. Rachel was living in Buffalo Grove and Aaron in Peoria. After many attempts to meet, and an unexpected family tragedy, Aaron and Rachel stopped talking. Then in the spring of 2019 reconnected. Aaron and Rachel finally met in person in April of 2019. Their first date was at the Graters in downtown Northbrook. Rachel was expecting the date to be about 2 hours and it turned out to be 4. Aaron was on spring break and they made a plan to go to Top Golf that Sunday. After a fun date at Top Golf, Aaron invited Rachel to come down to Peoria to watch him coach lacrosse. Rachel decided to let Aaron know that she was not coming down there just for this relationship not to go anywhere. Both decided to start dating. Fast forward to the summer, where both of them were driving to see each other, Aaron got a teaching job in Joliet and moved back to the Suburbs of Chicago. While Rachel did not offically move into Aaron's apartment she spent many days at the apartment. The two decided to move into an apartment together in August of 2020, they have been living together ever since. During that time they haved enjoyed going on different road trips, to Florida to see Rachel's aunt and uncle. To Indiana and Michigan to go berry picking. As well as more sporting events that they can count. Finally on Rachel's birthday, Aaron got down on knee and asked Rachel to marry him. Then in December of 2022, Aaron and Rachel welcomed the Woolridge family dog, Bella.